Mark your calendar! Recital is Sunday, May 18th at the Lindale Performing Arts Center.


Your commitment to Studio 16 Dance Center includes keeping your account balances current. Tuition is due on the 1st of every month beginning in August and ending in May. Payments may be made by cash, check, or credit card at Studio 16 or by credit card or bank draft online anytime by logging in to your online personal portal. A late fee of $15 will be applied to your account on the 11th of each month if tuition is not paid on time. Registration fee, costume fees, recital fees and tuition are non-refundable. There are NO refunds for missed or dropped classes - tuition is based on enrollment, not attendance. WRITTEN notice must be given to drop classes.


Class attendance is essential and determines the success of a dancer's progress, sense of accomplishment, technical development, and confidence. Absences become critical leading up to the recital, not only for the student but also for fellow dancers. Please partner with us at Studio 16 Dance Center by remaining committed throughout the full nine month school year.
SICKNESS/COVID:  Students should not attend class if they are sick or not feeling well.  In the event of a COVID related illness, parents should notify the studio and keep their child home and follow the current recommended CDC guidelines.  If a student has been directly exposed to COVID or someone in the home has tested positive, parents should notify the studio and follow the current recommended CDC guidelines for quarrantine.